Senior Dating Tips

How to write your online dating profile - profile tips from a senior dating counselor
We have talked about the basic profile and photo tips for online senior dating sites in our previous article. Online daters would have got some ideas about the important aspects of creating the whole profile. Like a profile photo is a must and write more about "About me” and “About My Match” part. With these simple guidelines in mind, one can easily create an online dating profile for themselves. But how to write a high quality profile to be stand out among the large number of single members would still be a question for many online senior singles.
“We often saw some profiles with just a few lines in “About Me” and “About My Match” sections like “ I will think about this and add more later” “It’s a little hard to describe myself, I am not sure what to write about” etc. These lines actually does not help at all. Just think what would you do if you come across such a profile like this? You would probably just ignore. So write something that can really sell. Maybe this is a not an accurate word, but it is indeed like a sales pitch that can make you stand out and get you better chance for a date through online dating.” introduced John, the senior dating counselor on a senior dating site for more than 10 years.
“For “About Me” part, if you don’t have any good idea, you may start by the following 3 aspects. The first part, you can tell a story about yourself. Write about your personality, what kind of person you are and something about your public background is ok. Like your current work, retired or not etc. And the second aspect, you can talk about your hobbies, things that you would like to do or plan to do. You like travel? Then say something about it. Some interesting stories during your travel is good. In the last part, if you there is anything that you don’t like, mentioned it here. But remember to be polite and leave room for compromise and tolerance.”
“Remember to show your humor in your profile. Most members respond well to humor. But again, show your true personality and don’t lie about anything. A fake profile may once get you a date but won’t get you a partner. ”
These are the basic points that may give you the inspiration to write the “About me” and “About my match” section. That would be enough for online senior daters to get started.
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