Senior News

Right Attitude Toward Online Dating Scam
According to many scam reports that people loose up to thousands and millions of dollars each year to online dating scam. It is really a devastating experience for those who have been scammed, not only financially but also personally. We can never deny this bad aspect for online dating but we can not simply say no to online dating just because of this. There are still far more success stories from online dating sites. The most important thing is to be aware of this kind of romance scam and learn about some tips to spot out these online dating scams.
Then let’s take a look at how these scams usually work out. Among those online dating victims, we can see that single women over 40 who are widowed or divorced are the main target of online dating romance scam. Older women should check and learn more dating tips for older women.
Based on many scam investigation, most scammers are actually from Nigerian and Ghana who would use a fake profile to pretend to be someone in the US, UK, Canada, Australia or any other western countries. Here is the how the scam usually process. These scammers would register an profile with the fake information and photos which all look attractive and charming. Then the victims would receive contacts from these “gorgeous” people to express their interests. They would ask the victims to communicate off site with their personal emails. Thus they are out of the monitor of the dating sites. They would keep communicating with the victims in the name of love for couple of weeks or even months. And then it happens, they would ask for money. Money is the final goal of the scam.
Once we know how it happens, we don’t have to be afraid of online dating. Instead, we can still enjoy this easy and convenient way of dating that online dating bring to us. Just keep these few points in mind that you can easily spot the scams:
1) Never ever send out money to someone you meet online
2) Never disclose your personal information(financial information and other personal information)
3) If someone ask you to communicate off-site too soon, you should take care
4) Linguistic problem and bad grammar are another sign that they may not be the one he/she claims to be.
5) Check their information on a scam fighting site like,
With all these things and tips in mind, we can protect ourselves being scammed and enjoy online dating for seniors.
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